Lucid Dreams or Out-of-Body Experiences: A Personal Case


  • Father X


I have just finished LaBerge’s book, “Lucid Dreaming”, and was gratified to learn that the lucid dreams of not a few people have similar characteristics of my own. These included: 1) the testing of gravity to reassure oneself that one is really awake in a dream (I usually do a somersault and find myself floating in the air like an astronaut in a weightless environment);2) the varying degrees of lucidity, some so lucid that one fears that one will become “stuck” in this dream-world;3)the frequent inability to read any written or printed matter;4) the emotionally detached from the dream, prolonging it; 5) the experience of lucidity coming over one gradually or suddenly; and 6) the capacity for voluntary action in this dream-world.






Out-of-Body and Dream Lucidity