Letter from Linda L. Magallon


  • Linda L. Magallon


It saddens me to realize that both Jayne Gackenbach and Scott Sparrow are operating out a fear mode. The warnings from tradition can be a heavy burden to bear and too often they become self-fulfilling prophesies, especially if one concentrates on the negative and ignores the positive that surrounds us. How different it would be if, instead of flying into a panic in the face of overwhelming experiences of the psyche and throwing out deadly terms like "psychotic break" and "schizophrenia", dreamworkers would instead act as a resource and support system for transpersonal experiences? They'd be cheering on dreamers with "Wow, what a wonderful opportunity and great gift you have!" "What neat adventures you can look forward to!" takes the onus off the current experience.






Concerns With the Field of Lucid Dreaming Essays/Letters