About the Journal

Mandate Statement

To provide an international research forum where academics and Phd students share, discuss, explore, reflect upon, develop, and transform understandings within the disciplines of social, health, and communication studies


  • To communicate a diversity of ideas and information on issues concerning political, social, cultural, historical, religious, and communication (interdisciplinary) ideas and concerns
  • To create an online forum and establish an online presence for academics and Phd students from an interdisciplinary  approach in order to express, communicate and voice understandings, knowledge, and ideas on topics concerning social, health, and communication areas
  • To develop a critical mass of information that identifies and acknowledges the complexity and diversity of the social, health, and communication issues


Establish an international peer-reviewed publication in social, health, and communication studies that enables academics and PhD students to research, discuss, explore, reflect upon, and develop understandings in these three disciplines