
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Author Guidelines

Abstracts for works presented at Student Research Day are posted to this site.

To have copies of works posted alongside abstracts, please submit these works to RO@M (details below).

Contact us with any questions or concerns. 

Submit Works to RO@M

Students are welcome to contribute files for PowerPoint presentations, papers (including theses), posters, or creative works in any digital format to MacEwan's institutional repository, Research Online at MacEwan (RO@M). Links to these works will be posted alongside abstracts in these proceedings. 


Go to and log in with your MacEwan Network ID and password.

The form will ask for a faculty member’s name and email to approve having the work posted as well as a title and brief abstract or description of the work.

Please submit works no later than June 1, if possible, and allow 2-3 weeks for submissions to be processed.

Additional Opportunity to Submit to MUSe

Students interested in having their work formally peer-reviewed and published are also strongly encouraged to submit to the MacEwan University Student eJournal (MUSe), which accepts scholarly and creative works completed as part of the upper-level experience at MacEwan.

To learn more, visit