The use of International Suppliers and the effects it has on Just-In-Time delivery and Industrial Construction Processes


  • Zachary Parker MacEwan University


The use of International Suppliers and the effects it has on Just-In-Time delivery and Industrial Construction Processes

Through the advancement of information technology (IT) over the past few decades, supply chains have been able to streamline opportunities to grow their success, through the increased availability of international suppliers, and new process techniques, such as just-in-time management. International suppliers have been effective as they often lead to lower costs, and flexibility in product design. Supply base rationalization of both domestic and international suppliers, has been identified as a key opportunity to streamline supply chain operations. Many supply chains have also re-designed their processes in order to include the just-in-time concept, to reduce the often high holding costs, improve waste reduction, and provide less capital investment. However, construction projects often face many challenges in conforming to these standards and practices. Inherently, construction projects are prone to high waste levels of materials, and in order to reduce these to manageable levels, lean processes have been implemented to support the completion of a project. This combination of these concepts has shown to negatively affect the completion of projects, specifically in areas of quality, cost, and future operational challenges. Through aspects of data analytics, common practices can be analyzed through aspects of supplier selection, delivery system management, material waste, and cost savings/ increases, as well as effective data mining initiatives of current and historical projects. Initial research has also identified the possible advantage of the Internet of Things (IoT) and other innovative technology in order to effectively monitor and track current and future opportunities for growth and improvement within construction projects.

Discipline: Supply Chain Management

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Joong Son

