Traditional Agropastoralism and Ecological Knowledge in Western Poland


  • Nicholas Lesyk MacEwan University


Traditional agro-pastoralism in rural Poland is shaped by historical factors, such as Operation Vistula, which was the forced movement of Ukrainians to Western Poland. The study highlights the differences of traditional agro-pastoralism between East and West Poland. Moreover, it highlights important aspects of contemporary organic farming in Dobrogoszcz, and takes into consideration how the European Union’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) has impacted local farmers and pastoralists. In the end, the research shows that previous ecological knowledge has helped farmers during times of crisis, that traditional ecological knowledge is still valuable today, and that the EU’s CAP has influenced the traditional agro-pastoralist lifestyle. Overall, historical and contemporary factors have shaped the opportunities, life chances, and overall agricultural success in rural Poland.

Discipline: Anthropology

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Franca Boag

