If You Change Your Mind: Relationship Between Implicit Theory and Materialism


  • Hadla Omar MacEwan University


Materialistic individuals engage in consumption behaviours and hold materialistic values to avoid emotional and physiological negative experiences. Some avoidance strategies, such as cognitive deconstruction, living in the present, or constant need to acquire materialistic items, are utilized to protect self-identity against any negativity. Implicit theory is the belief that attributes, or values are malleable (incremental) or fixed (entity). The present experimental research examines the relationship between implicit theory and materialism among undergraduate students. Study one involves inducing an incremental or entity mindset and then measuring the participants’ materialistic values. It predicted that those with entity mindset will hold more materialistic values than both the incremental and control group. Study two involves inducing materialistic values and then evaluating a participant's mindset. It is predicted that those with higher materialistic values will likely hold an entity mindset rather than an incremental mindset.

Department: Psychology

Faculty Mentor: Dr. David Watson

