To Tell the Tales of Two: A Visual Exploration of Dialogue in Literature


  • Lauren Beatty MacEwan University
  • Simon Dechant MacEwan University
  • Nicole Fitzpatrick MacEwan University
  • Rachel Jacques MacEwan University
  • Seraphim Rosenfeldt MacEwan University


To Tell the Tales of Two: A Visual Exploration of Dialogue in Literature is a project of DESN231 Typography II, a course in the Bachelor of Design taught by Constanza Pacher at MacEwan University. Students were asked to visually translate an assigned short story into a two-page layout that challenges convention. With the overall goal of enhancing the meaning of the written text through visual devices, students focused on the peculiarities of language and speech in dialogues. Students were encouraged to explore linguistic deconstruction (semantics, syntax, grammar), alternative ways to organize the page, and to experiment with non-traditional grids, all while maintaining the legibility and readability of the text. Informative callouts where added throughout the publication to give conceptual or factual context to the piece.

Department: Design

Faculty Mentor: Constanza Pacher

