A Story told through Recipes


  • Jennifer Onwudinjo MacEwan University


The package design for herbal remedy flashcards. The design is centered on the relationship that exists between rumors and truth. The box is designed with a witch concept and leads users to believe what is inside has something to do with being a witch, but the user discovers that this is far from the truth and all the box contains are recipes for how to cure illnesses. In the same way, Katharina was only trying to help but was accused of being a witch. Rumors may say one thing, but the truth can be something entirely different.

The box has a cut-out design that lets the user see the card’s image. This image changes depending on which box the user buys. Like rumors, there are so many versions of the same story, and they can change at any moment depending on what is most favorably accepted.

Every design detail calls back to the rumors and accusations Katharina had to face. However, the packaging also shows that those accusations were not true. The design at the back of each recipe card represents the accusations brought forward against Katharina. From the accusation of her digging up her father’s skull as a weapon of sorcery or causing a storm to even making animals ill.

The recipe cards also hold their little truth. As the user reads further into the card, they realize the directions given are extracts from the book of when misleading evidence was brought up about Katharina being a witch. It shows how much a rumor can seem like the truth but is not.

Faculty Mentor: Constanza Pacher 


