The Mabinogion: The First Branch, designed and edited by Kaitlyn Tupper


  • Kaitlyn Tupper MacEwan University


The Mabinogion is a collection of ancient Welsh myths, folklore, and legends, first translated in entirety by Lady Charlotte Guest between 1838 and 1845. In designing a book edition for the First Branch of the Mabinogion, my goal was to make the translation more accessible to a modern audience through annotations and design.

The body text is set in serif typeface Verdigris Pro Text, preserving the classic literature sensibility of the text without feeling austere. The centred chapter titles and drop caps continue this classic design. The sans serif typeface Roboto is used in the annotations and provides a contemporary contrast to the body serif. Roboto is also compatible with the International Phonetic Alphabet, necessary for the goal of accessibility.

The annotations highlight uncommon words, cultural references, Welsh proper nouns, and passages that may be difficult to follow by modern standards. The annotations are placed next to the text for easy reference. The live area for the body text is closer to the inside border to accommodate this.

The book’s illustrations are reminiscent of linocut carving; the unpolished style suggests the handicraft of the ancient people who would have orally passed on these myths. The illustration above each chapter title shows a significant symbol from the branch as well as a plant native of Wales. The cover imagery shows a significant character in a similar linocut style with an inked paper texture. The title is in the typeface Celtic, evoking the locale and era of the ancient Welsh and Celtic legends in the Mabinogion.

Faculty Mentor: Constanza Pacher 

