Children's Rights: Focusing on How Consent and Inclusion Affect Participation


  • Tori Vail MacEwan University
  • Kiera Leblanc MacEwan University


Inspired by Alberta’s focus on children’s right to participate for National Child Day 2022, this research examines children’s participation, narrowing in on the interplay between participation, consent, and inclusion. This research started as a group assignment for ECCS 260: Family and Community Issues and was later presented at a province-wide professional conference for early childhood educators. Components of this research have been further celebrated through winning a national essay contest which will lead to publication. The findings highlight the importance of empowering children through the education of their rights and promoting their active participation in society. This research confirms the importance of consent, body autonomy, and boundaries regarding children’s right to participate fully in society, while also examining how we can be inclusive with all children, regardless of exceptionalities. When children are consent educated and empowered to recognize that they are genuinely valued, they are better equipped to actively engage in society.

Faculty Mentor: Carolyn Parkes 





Human Services and Early Learning