Canadian Undergraduate Perspectives on Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) for Mental Illness: Does Psychiatric Illness Type and/or Age Influence Acceptance of MAiD?


  • Christina A. Tomaras MacEwan University


In 2024, Canadians whose only medical condition is an untreatable mental illness and who otherwise meet all eligibility criteria will be able to request Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD). This study investigates the attitudes and beliefs of undergraduates towards widening the scope of MAiD. We were interested in understanding if age and type of mental illness influenced undergraduates’ acceptance or rejection of MAiD. To our knowledge, no studies have investigated the perspectives of Canadian undergraduates regarding this controversial legislation, including the factors that may predict acceptance or rejection of MAiD for mental illness.

413 undergraduate students participated in this study which examined the factors that correlate with the acceptance or rejection of MAiD for untreatable mental illness. Four scenarios were presented in which age (older or younger) and illness type (depression or schizophrenia) were manipulated. Demographic questions and measures assessing personality, religion, depression, anxiety, stress, attitudes towards euthanasia (including a revised version for mental illness), fear and acceptance of dying and death, and stigma towards schizophrenia and depression were administered. Questions assessing participants’ general understanding of MAiD and their life experiences with death and suicide were also asked.

Most of the participants accepted MAiD for both depression and schizophrenia. As hypothesized, support for MAiD was higher for patients with schizophrenia than for depression. Additionally, as predicted, support was higher for older individuals suffering from each mental disorder when compared to younger individuals. Variables such as religion, personality and political affiliation were also associated with acceptance or rejection of MAiD.

Faculty Mentors: Dr. Lori Harper & Dr. Russ Powell

