A Woman's Role in a Mans World: Understanding Gender in Corrections


  • Samantha Hermary MacEwan University


Compared to other organizations within the criminal justice system, the world of corrections is hidden from public view, therefore, quickly forgotten. But, like many of these males dominated organizations, there are significant issues regarding gender and women's roles in the job. With the considerable lack of research regarding correctional officers within Canada and the relatively small percentage of women in the correctional workforce, it is vital to expand this topic to understand the complication of a gendered role. Research has shown issues regarding defeminization, over-sexualization, harassment and emotional labour among female correctional officers and the lack of the support they may receive. With all these persistent issues, we ask ourselves, why do women continue on a career path that appears to be working against them? More specifically, how does gender influence women's experience in long-term careers in corrections? To answer this, we conducted in-depth qualitative interviews with women who maintained long-term roles in Correctional Service Canada. This presentation will discuss these women's gendered experiences working within a masculine organization, how their gender affected their relationships and job expectations, and whether the culture has changed throughout their careers.

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Amanda Nelund 

