Investigation into the Implementation of Rehabilitation in the Penal System


  • Ashu Kito MacEwan University
  • Kateryna Kuzmuk MacEwan University
  • Sofiia Maksymovych Ukrainian Catholic University
  • Yaryna Predzymyrska Ukrainian Catholic University
  • Ethan Simmons MacEwan University
  • Kirpal Thind MacEwan University


The question of how criminals must be treated has always been in the interest of society. Modern research suggests that the punitive approach to imprisonment, which was used for hundreds of years, exacerbates the issue of imprisonment rates. Demand for reform and rehabilitative processes has also arisen due to a societal shift in perception. The rehabilitative approach, which modern prisons are in charge of, aims to reduce crime and foster public safety, treating offenders as patients needing therapeutic care. But do prisons rehabilitate prisoners as they should? So, in our research paper, we will explore the effectiveness of prison rehabilitation. Moreover, to make our research more accurate, we consider factors such as age, race, and gender which may influence the effectiveness.

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Michael Gulayets 

