An Investigation into the Impact of Children’s Literature through a Review of Dr. Seuss’s The Lorax


  • Adriianne Rachelle Foss Grant MacEwan University



This article is a brief overview of The Lorax, by Dr. Seuss, the story of a repentant ex-industrialist who tells a tale of environmental degradation in the name of industrialism, progress, and profit, heedless of warnings from the Lorax—who speaks on behalf of nature. The book imparts lessons on finding a balance between ecology and industrial progress, and taking the first steps to righting the environmental errors of the past. The Lorax, positioned as an important ecological text, has resonated with generations. It is the generations that follow who inherit the earth, making it paramount humankind upholds a sense of responsibility and imparts an understanding of equilibrate approaches to both nature and industry. In addition, this book review examines the importance of engaging, environmental children’s literature as a tool for instilling a lifelong awareness within the formative years, as a strategy for introducing the significance of ecological cognizance.




How to Cite

An Investigation into the Impact of Children’s Literature through a Review of Dr. Seuss’s The Lorax. (2014). Earth Common Journal, 4(1).