
Login or Register to make a submission.

Author Guidelines


  • MUSe only accepts outstanding works produced as part of a student's experience at MacEwan University, including degree, diploma or certificate programs.
  • Students may submit work to MUSe within one year of their most recent enrollment at MacEwan.
  • Students must secure the endorsement of a MacEwan University faculty member who can verify that these conditions have been met. See the following Submission Process section for details.
  • All student work must meet one of two requirements:
    • It must have been produced under the mentorship, guidance, or supervision of a MacEwan faculty member OR it must have previously been used toward credit in a course offered at MacEwan.
  • Students may only have one submission under review at a time. Please wait until you have received a decision on each piece before submitting the next. 
  • Before submitting any work to MUSe, please ensure that MUSe is the most appropriate publishing venue for that work.
  • The copyright must not have previously been assigned nor the work published elsewhere, nor is it currently before another journal for consideration. Works previously submitted to RO@M, or MacEwan University Student Research Proceedings are eligible for submission.

If you have any questions about the suitability of your submission, consult with your Faculty Endorser or send an email to

Submission Process

  1. Consult with a MacEwan University faculty member about endorsing your work before beginning the submission process. This faculty member will be required to submit a Letter of Faculty Endorsement after you have completed your submission to the journal. The faculty member should know both you and your work and should also teach in the appropriate field of study. Do not be shy. Any faculty member who is familiar with you and your work will be interested in discussing your work with you.
  2. Register or Log In and follow the step-by-step instructions. During the submission process, you will be asked to provide an "abstract" for your work. Please have 3-5 sentences describing your work ready for this. 
  3. Following submission, email the Letter of Faculty Endorsement to the MacEwan faculty member who endorses your work. No submission will be considered for review until after the Letter of Endorsement from your faculty endorser has been received by MUSe.

SUBMISSIONS WITH MULTIPLE AUTHORS: All authors must meet the eligibility requirements. One author will submit the work on behalf of all the authors. Be sure to look at the "List of Contributors" section and select "Add Contributor" to add all coauthors. You can do this several times to add multiple contributors. They will appear in the journal in the order in which they are listed in this section. 

Submission Files and Formatting

An abstract (100-200 words) summarizing the work is required as part of the submission process and will be published alongside the work if accepted for publication.

For initial submission:

  • .pdf is preferred where possible
  • For audio, video, etc. a common format is preferred where possible

If the submission moves on to the copyediting stage then an editable format, where applicable, will need to be submitted (e.g. .doc, .rtf, .ppt, .tex). 

For files larger than 128 MB: Upload to Google Drive, create a shareable link to the file, and copy and paste this link into a word document. Submit this document to provide access to the work. For assistance, email

MUSe employs a blinded peer review process. This means that reviewers do not know the identity of the author or creators whose work they review (with the exception of some creative works where names cannot be removed). Likewise, authors and creators do not know the identities of the reviewers. As much as possible, all uploaded files should be completely free of personal information. 

Scholarly Submissions

  • Scholarly submissions, including research papers, research posters, and project reports, must be carefully edited, and error-free.
  • Citations should be formatted according to the preferred style of the appropriate field of study – i.e., MLA for English, APA for Psychology, etc. Where a field of study does not have a preferred style, APA style should be used. 
    • If you are unsure of your field’s preferred style, consult your Endorsing Faculty Member or the MacEwan University Library
    • The Library’s reference guides to APA, ASA, MLA, and Chicago documentation styles can be found here.

Creative Submissions

  • Creative submissions, including works like digital copies of paintings, graphic design, songs, films, poetry and short stories, should include a separate word document detailing a brief (100-300 words) artist statement or statement of inspiration. This written content will be peer reviewed and published alongside the work. It should address the following as it pertains to the work:
    • A description of how the work was created and/or the medium used
    • The creator’s intent and purpose in making it
    • How the work fits within a broader creative or scholarly context, as appropriate

To upload creative works and a brief statement, follow these steps:

  • After initiating a new submission, the Upload File screen will ask for an “Article Component.” Select whichever option  best describes your work and upload the creative work here. 
  • Select “Continue” to Review Details.
  • Select “Continue” again to get to the Confirm page. Here you can upload an additional word document with your brief statement, and any additional files you would like considered alongside your main submission. 

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • This work was produced as part of your experience at MacEwan University.
  • You currently have no other submission waiting for a decision from MUSe. (If so, please wait until you have heard back about that item before completing the submission process for this one.)
  • You have reviewed the Letter of Faculty Endorsement and are prepared to send a copy of this letter to a faculty member who has agreed to endorse your work.
  • As the Author or Creator of the work, and on behalf of  all other coauthors, you warrant the following: that the copyright has not previously been assigned nor the Work published elsewhere, nor is it currently before another journal for consideration; that the work does not infringe any valid copyright or other proprietary right of any other person; that the work contains no libelous, defamatory or other unlawful material, and that you as the Author or Creator agree to hold the University harmless from any claim, suit or proceeding based on the grounds that the Work contains such harmful matter, and agree to indemnify the University for reasonable expenses incurred in defending, settling, or otherwise responding to such claims. If the Work includes any copyrighted material not in the public domain, you as the Author or Creator will obtain the reprint permissions and provide them to the University on or about the time Work is published pending acceptance to this journal.
  • You have read the Author Guidelines and your work meets all style and formatting requirements. If you are submitting a creative work, this includes preparing a brief (100-300 word) written artist statement or statement of inspiration in a separate document.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.