Faculty Endorsement Letter

All submissions to this journal must receive a Faculty Endorsement.

Instructions for Student:

  1. After submitting your work to Landscapes for Learning, copy all of the text below the line and paste it into an email addressed to your Faculty Endorser.
  2. Type your name into the appropriate place.
  3. Type the title of your work and the course number into the appropriate place.
  4. Send this email to your Faculty Endorser.

Student Name:                                                         

Title of Work:

Course this work was completed in:

Dear (Faculty Member’s name here),

This student is in the process of making a submission to Landscapes for Learning, one of MacEwan University’s online journals of exceptional undergraduate student work. All student work submitted to Landscapes for Learning requires a current faculty member’s endorsement.

By endorsing the student, you are verifying three things:

  1. The student is known to you as having an academic connection to your department.
  2. The piece of student work listed above was completed under your mentorship, guidance, or supervision and is clearly tied to MacEwan’s program goals and learning outcomes AND/OR was submitted for credit in a class at MacEwan.
  3. The piece of student work listed above is of excellent quality and worthy of consideration for publication in this journal of undergraduate work.

To endorse this student’s work, simply forward this email to BECCSlandscapes@macewan.ca. There is no need to add to or edit this email, nor to comment on the student or their work.

Simply forwarding this email completes the endorsement process.

We appreciate your assistance in helping MacEwan showcase our students' efforts.


The Editorial Board of Landscapes for Learning