MacEwan Open Journals is a platform for hosting open access journals, including undergraduate and course-based journals, that are managed by members of the MacEwan University community. This no-fee hosting service uses Open Journal Systems (OJS) software and is administered by MacEwan University Library.

If you are interested in setting up a journal please review the Terms of Use for this service, and fill out the MacEwan Open Journals Request Form.

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Open Access Journals

  • MacEwan University Student eJournal

    The MacEwan University Student eJournal (MUSe) publishes select works of MacEwan University students that have passed a rigorous peer-review process. Published works are exceptional examples of student engagement with MacEwan’s program goals and learning outcomes.

  • Crossing Borders: Student Reflections on Global Social Issues

    This journal features works by undergraduate students using sociological theories, concepts, and research methods that examine laws, policies, culture and social practices within Canada and beyond.

  • Journal of the Society of Internationally Educated Nurses

    The Journal of the Society of Internationally Educated Nurses (JSIEN) serves as a global platform for peer-reviewed research and scholarly works dedicated to addressing topics relevant to internationally educated nurses.

  • Landscapes for Learning

    Landscapes for Learning is an open access journal featuring works by undergraduate students in Early Childhood Curriculum Studies at MacEwan University. The journal highlights student work on topics of early childhood curriculum, children's play, social and familial contexts of early childhood, children as rights holders, and the relational complexity of early childhood pedagogy within Alberta, Canada, and beyond. Focusing on, but not limited to constructivist concepts, theories of social constructivism, participatory action-based research, or relational pedagogy, students examine practice to theory connections for building a rich breadth and depth of knowledge.

  • Pedagogical Inquiry and Practice

    Pedagogical Inquiry and Practice (PiP) is a Canadian open access journal of scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL). It is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to studies of significant educational experience in post-secondary institutions, using a range of theoretical, methodological, and disciplinary approaches.

Conference Proceedings

Archived Content

  • Asia Pacific Globalization Review

    The Asia Pacific and Globalization Review (APGR) was a peer-reviewed online journal focused on the challenges and creative opportunities facing multinational companies emerging from the Asia Pacific region.

  • Earth Common Journal

    Issues 1-7 of Earth Common Journal (ECJ) archived here represent undergraduate student works communicating a diversity of ideas and information on issues concerning conservation, sustainability, and global warming. These issues were published by MacEwan University's Bachelor of Communication Studies program between 2011-2017.

  • Interdisciplinary Dialogue Proceedings

    This site features presentation abstracts and examples of undergraduate student work shared as part of the annual Interdisciplinary Dialogue Student Conference (2017-2021).

  • Lucidity Letter

    The issues of Lucidity Letter archived on this site were originally published as a newsletter (1981-1985) and then as a journal (1985-1991) by the Lucidity Association, a nonprofit organization devoted to education about, and research into, the lucid dream and related phenomena.

  • Social, Health, and Communication Studies Journal

    Social, Health, and Communication Studies Journal (SHCSJ) was an international peer-reviewed journal that provided a forum where academics communicated a diversity of ideas and information on issues concerning social, health, and communication studies.

  • URSCA Proceedings

    The Undergraduate Research in Science Conference of Alberta Proceedings (URSCA) provide access to abstracts and examples of scientific research conducted by undergraduate students from across Alberta from 2015-2018.