Call for Reviewers


Become a reviewer 

We are pleased to announce that Pedagogical Inquiry and Practice (PIP) is now accepting applications for peer reviewers. We hope you will consider applying for this service opportunity to contribute to the advancement of teaching and learning scholarship.  

You may apply to serve as a reviewer when you register for our journal and select the reviewer option in the dashboard. Indicate your reviewing interests. Identify 4–6 key words and phrases that apply to your reviewing expertise. We ask that you provide as much detail as possible so that we can match you with appropriate manuscripts. We ask that you indicate your familiarity with SoTL scholarship. You may also select the author role if you are interested in submitting to the journal. We hope that you will. 


Pedagogical Inquiry and Practice employs a double-blind peer review process. Reviewers will be expected to review up to one-two manuscripts per year, as assigned by the editorial team, based on the reviewer’s interests and expertise. Reviewers will have up to four weeks to complete and submit first rounds of reviews and four weeks for second rounds, if applicable. SoTL is an interdisciplinary field and we expect that our publications will demonstrate consideration for how teaching and learning coming from a specific context and practice can be applied to a range of disciplines in higher education. We would like to demonstrate respect and collegiality for the works submitted and we advocate for an appreciative inquiry approach to providing reviews, encouraging and providing actionable recommendations for the manuscripts. You will be expected to use the guidelines provided to complete the reviews. 


We acknowledge the time and dedication required to conduct thoughtful careful reviews. Peer review is a service that often is behind the scenes but essential to furthering the dissemination of relevant insight about teaching and learning in higher education. Your service will be anonymous; however, PIP will provide a letter of appreciation after two completed reviews within a year of reviewing /for all completed reviews, but PIP provides no monetary reward, as all positions in the journal are voluntary. 

Read more about the reviewer’s role here.