
At PIP, we believe the connection between inquiry and practice is at the core of SoTL pursuits. The questions that researchers choose to pursue come from their teaching and learning practices and inform subsequent practices. Reviewers are an important part of that process because they help draw out the interdisciplinary relevance of context-specific inquiries.

Become a reviewer

Become a reviewer by registering through the dashboard settings or send us an email at

Please indicate your reviewing interests as well as your disciplinary and research expertise. Identify 4–6 key words and phrases that apply to your reviewing expertise. We ask that you provide as much detail as possible so that we can match you with appropriate manuscripts. We also ask that you indicate your familiarity with SoTL scholarship. 

You’ve signed up to be a PIP reviewer. What’s next?

Our review requests will go out in early December 2024, so please check your emails for the request. Before you agree to review for PIP, please read our About section, and the Guidelines for authors to determine whether you can offer your expert insight at this time. If your professional calendar has competing interests and the timing is not right, do let us know so that we can reach out to other reviewers and commence the review process, in order to meet our commitment to authors.

We also recommend completing the tutorial Becoming a Reviewer – PKP School ( hosted by the Public Knowledge Project, to help reviewers navigate conducting reviews in our Open Journal System.

Thank you for considering PIP as a service opportunity.